Technical Supervision

Technical Supervision

Technical Supervision

Performance of functions of the customer, developer, provision of engineering services in the implementation of activities in the field of construction of facilities.

This section contains information about the services provided by the engineering organization UE “Belgiproles”, customer reviews, photo and video reports.


Services provided by the engineering organization:


  1. organizational and technical measures for the preparation of documents required to provide land plots in accordance with the established procedure, the collection of initial data required to prepare project documentation for the erection of a facility, permitting documentation, which include but are not limited to:
  2. organizational and technical measures for the development of feasibility studies, development of options, development of business plans for investment projects;
  3. organizational and technical measures for the preparation of documents necessary for the conclusion of a contract of work with a land management organization, a structural subdivision of the local executive and administrative body exercising state powers in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, or a specially created municipal unitary enterprise, including the attached summary list of engineering loads, draft design assignment;
  4. organizational and technical measures to obtain the necessary approvals, including the approval of land and cadastral documentation for the proposed location of the land plot;
  5. collection of technical specifications for engineering and technical support of the construction object;
  6. organizational and technical measures for the preparation of documents required to apply for state registration in respect of the land plot;
  7. organizational and technical measures for the selection of contractors, developers of design documentation, suppliers of goods, preparation of projects and (or) the conclusion of contracts for design and survey work, construction contracts, other contracts, which include but are not limited to:
  8. development of tender documentation as assigned and agreed with the customer;
  9. organization of contract bidding for the construction of the Object, for design and survey works, certain types of construction, special, installation, commissioning works, stages of work on construction, organization of bidding when placing orders necessary for construction activities for the supply of building materials, products, structures, supplies and equipment, other procurement procedures in cases and in the manner prescribed by law;
  10. preparation of projects and conclusion together with the customer of contracts for design and survey work, control over the implementation of such contracts, assistance to developers of design documentation in the performance of design and survey work in the amount and on the terms stipulated in the contract, participation together with the developers of design documentation in coordination of the finished design and estimate documentation with the relevant state authorities, verification of design and estimate documentation for compliance with the regulations;
  11. placement in a place accessible to the public of information about the construction facility, indicating its customer, contractor, the start and end dates of construction, special, installation, commissioning and other information;
  12. participation in public discussions in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities;
  13. preparation of projects and (or) conclusion together with the Customer of contracts for designer’s supervision with the developers of project documentation, control over their implementation;
  14. preparing drafts and/or concluding construction contracts together with the Customer;
  15. coordination of activities of participants of construction activities, organization of production meetings at the construction site, preparation of final minutes and their distribution to participants of construction activities, control over execution of minutes of meetings, settlement of disagreements with participants of construction activities, submission of claims to contractors, suppliers, developers of project documentation on behalf of the Customer in case of nonperformance or improper performance of contractual obligations;
  16. interaction with the state construction supervision authorities, other state bodies and organizations, ensuring that contractors eliminate the comments of persons exercising supervisory functions;
  17. рreparation of documents required to obtain permits, stipulated by law, from relevant organizations for works in the area of overhead transmission lines, communication lines, in the right-of-way of railroads, in the areas of underground utilities located at the construction site, for the use, during construction, of electricity, gas, water, steam from existing sources in accordance with the construction organization project, for forest cutting, removal and (or) replanting of vegetation, and, if necessary;
  18. organizational and technical measures to ensure the geodetic base for the construction of the facility, acceptance and transfer of its contractor;
  19. organizational and technical measures for the organization of engineering equipment of the construction site, including energy, communications;
  20. organizational and technical measures for the demolition of buildings, structures, removal and (or) replanting of flora located on the construction site;
  21. preparation of documents required to obtain a permit for the production of construction and installation works;
  22. сhecking the condition and quality of the executive and production documentation from contractors and confirmation in the prescribed manner of the actual completion of stages of construction in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation and technical regulations and readiness of the object for acceptance into service;
  23. control over the contractor’s compliance with the requirements of the design and estimate documentation, the construction organization project and the project of works;
  24. control the quality of work performed by the contractor, the correctness of the calculation of the cost of construction in current prices;
  25. suspension of construction, special, installation, commissioning works performed with deviations from the approved design documentation and (or) in violation of the requirements of technical regulations, as well as in case the contractor fails to comply with the instructions of the developer of design documentation and (or) instructions or prescriptions of state construction supervision authorities to eliminate detected defects and (or) violations, creating a threat of deformation or collapse of buildings, structures, their individual parts, engineering utilities;
  26. organizational and technical measures for the mothballing of the construction project, conducting periodic inspections of the mothballed construction project to ensure its safety and security;
  27. certification of hidden work, organization of acceptance of work performed, stages of work on construction and intermediate acceptance of critical structures with the registration of the relevant acts;
  28. supervision of the targeted and rational use of funds, making proposals on the need for additional costs, on the use of the funds remaining at the disposal of the Customer for contingencies provided by the estimate (estimate documentation);
  29. control of the execution of work schedules, analysis of emerging problems, forecasting their impact on the timing of construction;
  30. coordination with the Customer of samples of construction materials, products, structures and equipment intended for use on the construction site, checking their quality, availability and correctness of documents confirming their quality;
  31. together with the Customer, prepare and conduct the procedure for selecting suppliers of the main technological equipment;
  32. ensuring delivery of construction materials, products, structures and equipment, pre-installation inspection of equipment and its timely transfer to contractors, ensuring the implementation of commissioning works, comprehensive testing and testing of the installed equipment;
  33. control over the supply of construction materials, products, structures and equipment, pre-installation inspection of equipment and its timely transfer to contractors;
  34. control over the maintenance of the general journal of works and the journal of the author’s supervision;
  35. organization of acceptance of the facility into operation, implementation of the Customer’s functions during the warranty period of operation of the Facility, which include, but are not limited to:
  36. formation of a working commission for acceptance of the installed equipment after individual tests and comprehensive testing at the production infrastructure facilities;
  37. formation and management of the work of the Acceptance Commission for completed construction projects or completed construction work, providing the Acceptance Commission with the necessary documents;
  38. preparation of documents required to apply for state registration in respect of the accepted facility;
  39. control over the contractor’s compliance with its obligations during the warranty period;
  40. performance of other functions determined by the Customer in accordance with the law and this contract.



Contact information:
Technical supervision unit
Chief specialist: Kepchik Andrey
Chief specialist: Khatkouski  Pavel
Phone 8 (017) 260-51-75